How To: Survive a Long Distance Relationship in College

Throughout most of my college schooling I have some way or another found myself in long distance relationships. I don’t mean to boast, but I consider myself a pro at it by now. I am sure what I write about is nothing new or surprising to anyone but I wish to reiterate the tips that have helped me along the way.

Of course trust is one of the biggest aspects of any relationship, but especially so in a long distance one. For me, I have had many issues in regard to trust, especially as I am still young and in college. This is the time in my life where I wish to go out and experience the world and meet as many people as I can. For some reason though, past boy friends have thought that me going out meant I was looking for someone to go home with. If there is no trust in your relationship than its best to just let it go so you can enjoy the few years in college that you do have.

Always be in constant communication, but don’t be overbearing. Each person in the relationship does not want to have any reason to worry and by always communicating with one another, you can avoid any worries. It doesn’t even need to be long drawn out conversations either! One thing that I have found helpful, is just sending a quick text to let my significant other know where I am or what my plans are. It may seem pointless, but it does give some sense of ease to the opposite party.

Embrace FaceTime/Skype! One of the best parts of my day is being able to see my boyfriend through FaceTime when I have the time, and WiFi! Being away from each other is obviously difficult but being able to see their face and interact with them is a great privilege. We have grown to be a part of this very technical environment and we should be so thankful for inventions like this and have fun with it! The other day, I opted to give my boyfriend a little serenade session before we said goodnight! It is something stupid and cheesy but it shows that you care and you are 100% interested.

Surprises are never a bad idea. Just as us girls do love roses or flowers just because, don’t be shy to return the favor. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars or get a really expensive gift either, we are on a college budget after all. Something like a hand written card, poem, or picture to send to your significant other is a sweet idea. If he/she has a sweet tooth, Edible Arrangements are a great service that I have had a good experience with. You can send some fruit or chocolate to either their work or home.

Plan on the future. If you are serious about this person that you are in a relationship with then continue to make plans with one another for the future. When I write this, don’t think that I mean set a wedding date or anything, but plan on small vacations or a concert instead. Knowing that you both have something to look forward to will make it easier to get through the harder times. If you do get to be together for holiday breaks or if the other party comes to visit you than make the best of the little time you have together. Do not get caught up in small and stupid fights as they are not worth it and you will end up regretting it. Continue to think of the bigger picture and let the small things go.

No relationship whether long distance or not is going to be easy. If you do find yourself in a long distance relationship, make sure that it is with someone that you will be willing to work with and move forward with. If you have many hesitations or concerns, I would advise to take this time to focus on yourself and enjoy your college life. As stressful as college is on it’s own, being in a relationship (a long distance one at that) is going to be that much difficult.

If you are able to get through the long distance portion of the relationship, then I say you both have a bright future!

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